What Is The Importance Of Landscape Assessment Projects?

landscape visual impact report

Landscape assessment is a very integral part of any project. Any development, which is too big or is built near a protected area, needs an assessment report to study the possible implications of the development. Landscape visual impact report is a major part of environmental assessment of any land, which is used for major developmental purposes. There is a strategic planning followed by the collection of data in order to assess the environmental implications of the construction. If the report suggests that the land may get affected due to the construction then the report may suggest against it. There are a lot of complex procedures involved in a landscape assessment project.

Different procedures of visual landscape assessment!

There are a variety of procedures involved in landscape visual impact report and it usually starts out with scoping. During scoping, the character of the landscape is charted out. The various features and the peculiarities of the place are listed down while scoping. It is then that the help of a landscape architect is taken. The landscape architect helps to project the viewpoints regarding the type of construction that should take place on the proposed landscape. Online data regarding the area as well as maps are used to create a hypothesis regarding the visual impact of the construction. There is a charter of classification which classifies construction with regards to the land character. Visual data of various kinds are then collected which includes pictures taken with the help of digital SLR cameras. Videos of the landscape are also an important part of the visual receptors used to gauge the visual impact of the construction and environmental impact on the area. Various maps are created which helps to map down the Zonal Visibility of the different forms of landscapes in the zone. This plays a big role in covering the key points of the visual impact report.