Start A Survey on All Trees to Find Out the Alarming Problems

We know that blizzards or snow may cause a threat to all of us. However, big trees can also have a significant negative impact of these natural hazards. And when there is an effect on these trees, we also experience some potential issues. While your residential or commercial property has several trees, you have to make out whether they have become damaged due to stormy weather. Tree Surveys are the best option through which you may understand the existing problems in trees.

Tree Surveys

The most important time for carrying out the process is summer season. It is also better to do so, if all the leaves have dropped. The experts, engaged for your Tree Surveys, find out the common problems, like-

Dead or dry tree branches – If most of the trees have lost the leaves, the professionals inspect the condition and spot out the problem. All the dry branches have the possibility to get broken or fall easily during the storm. On the basis of the location of these branches, the experts determine whether it is urgent to solve the problem.

Decay of roots – It is not easy for you to observe root portion of any tree. So, the experts try to trace out some other relevant signs. For example, if there are mushrooms or fungi, present in the soil, then it indicates that the roots have become rotten. Soil particles also get broken because of damaged roots.

 Trees become leaned – This is also another common issue of the big or tall trees. With no special skill, you may be able to recognize that the tree is not in the right condition. You can find that the trunk of the tree of continuously leaning towards a side. Some trees are bent in normal condition and so, their leaning does not create a problem. However, if you have noticed that a mature tree is gradually getting tilted, it may cause a risk to all. Especially, while a roof is adjacent to it, you have to take steps immediately.

 Cracks in the trunk – The professionals find out all the cracks and potential decays on the trunk. While these issues are prominent, the experts may recommend the steps to be taken and let you know the depth of cracks.

So, these problems are much common among the trees in any area. The tree surveying process should also be considered during Landscape Visual Impact Assessment Hampshire because trees are an important part of the landscape.