Landscape Character- What a Thorough Assessment Reveals To You

Planning a landscape in the right way is highly essential, while you are considering landscape architecture. Lots of architects, with good knowledge on landscape, are skilled enough to deal with this planning. No matter whether it is for ecological reason or the cultural one, a plan on landscape has a great significance. However, while making a plan or arrangement for any landscape, the experts have realized that it is important to know the width of landscape and its related systems. To meet these needs, the experts have started relying on the comprehensive approach of doing Landscape Character Assessment.

Landscape character assessment

This LCA forms the basis of all the aspects, related to the planning of a landscape in a commercial or residential area. The method of LCA, chosen by the experts, is highly effective in the management of land. At times, it is also essential to update the land-related record, and the landscape architects always give priority to the natural resources or elements.

The types of character of a landscape and the concerned areas, perhaps have diverse names. At the same time, they have also considerably different land usage patterns and cultural settings. However, the features that are common may be present in the description, showing the landscape’s physical traits.

Processes Through Which the Experts Assess the Character of Landscape

The method, applied for evaluating landscape character is highly operational and systematic. And it is intended to know the character of landscape at various levels. If the method is conducted in the right way, then the landscape architects may clarify all the relevant components. It also presents the relationships, which are responsible for retaining the values of landscape. In addition to it, the process also portrays a landscape development, its condition and the possible trends that are affecting the settings. The experts apply Landscape Character Assessment method as the major basis for setting the goals behind development.

This process also depends on how the land has been used for building up different kinds establishments. So, the experts get engaged in the process of mapping, and to do it, they inspect, analyse and make an evaluation of the vulnerability, visual and spatial condition of any landscape. However, the notable fact is that this method is much advantageous because it is applicable in almost any area of a nation. And there is no possibility of having significant variation or disparity in the final outcome. It may also be revised, after any developmental work is accomplished. However, if we have a look at the traditional methods, we can see that they are usable only in particular areas.

LCA Done Near the Boundary of a Nation

It is one of the major aspects that the architects always consider during their Landscape Character Assessment.It is intended to ensure whether the national boundaries of any country have caused any alteration in the character of landscape.While the expert planners assume the assessment task in such regions, they may help in maintaining the connection of local and adjacent authorities. They will perhaps give recommendations on the change of landscape or on the need of reassessing the policy. In some cases, it has been seen that the existing borders of various regions do not show any clear boundary on the land. They also don’t include the resources, like forest or highway. What they present is only a transitional area from a particular land character to a different one. Because of the presence of the issues of transition, most of the administrative bodies want to have guidance for implementing any new plan.

In conclusion, we want to say that in the past, planning a landscape was almost same as the task of doing Landscape Character Assessment. Nowadays, lots of professionals have become aware of the approach for LCA. They are also eager to discuss about the issues of management and sustainability of all the resources, related to landscape.